Finally, the complete Galician Broadcast Audio of original Dragon Ball. This release is perfectly compatible with SoM release: https://nyaa.si/view/1436046 You must to adapt Galician audio to original 23.976fps or video and japanese audio to 25fps.
Why this?
As Overdrive said: Selecta Vision’s audios are rubbish: degraded, poorly edited, pitch changes, etc… In the recents BluRay, Selecta Vision's audio are from Salvat DVDs, and not from original Betacam masters.
How has the audio been treated?
In this release I tried to do a proper work of the original Salvat audios. The process include a perfect Dragon Box sync, in base to Team Mirolo video-sync and a careful edition of the censored scenes. The japanese audio have an EQ to match the censored scenes to Galician audio. In this way, it has been possible to obtain a homogeneous audio
Here an example of Dragon Ball Z(coming soon):
Episodes 106 and 110 have an extract of TDT audio, because this scenes are not in Salvat DVDs(and, of course, in Selecta Vision's editions):
https://streamable.com/ypjio5 https://streamable.com/7zw70q
The audio have noise reduction?
No. I only deleted the PAL background beep, that is in the frecuency 15625:
V2 changes:
-Added new TDT audio for censored scenes of episodes 106 and 110 -Fixed sync issue in episode 121 -Fixed censorship edition in episode 142(thanks to Emilio Fernández for notice that) -Added 23.976 sync version(only in AC3) -Added forced subtitles for censored scenes(only for 25fps sync version)(thanks to Emilio Fernández)
Special thanks to Kyaneos, Sondela89, Srmusico, Hobbes, Trasancos, Emilio Fernández and Anion
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