Seeing that nobody else's done it, that the old maintainer's orphaned the torrents and that they've left any Touhou servers they shared with me, I took it upon myself to update this project.
If there's anything missing or wrong as of 24-11-07, I am not aware of it. A comment here (nyaa) is your most reliable mode of letting me know.
This log is probably not exhaustive because it waited until I was already done with most everything else, but the big things that most people care about should all be here.
I tried to leave the already extant files alone to reduce the need for redownloaded files to what I consider the minimum. The filenames changed should be fairly simple to rename yourself, if you want to save the bandwidth or ratio
The new games all follow the same 2 loop, exponent of 10, remove silence, et cetera, et cetera conventions. This includes 17.5, and I'm not sure if using those options is a lossy change. I don't see why it would be, but I couldn't figure out a decent way to test it, so you get what you get.
I used DeadbeeF to tag the things I touched. I do not know how well it interacts with other players.